S1 E5: Jersey Devil

The premise of this episode is Mulder goes to investigate attacks on the outskirts of Atlantic City, New Jersey that stir up rumblings about the Jersey Devil urban legends. As far as positives goes for this episode there is some fun stuff involving Scully going on a date with a man who winds up being more interested in Mulder's work. Poor Scully. While Scully is trying to have a social life, Mulder is hitting the streets of Atlantic City trying to get information about the homeless man who was supposedly attacked by the Jersey Devil. This episode isn't subtle in its messaging about the police/city brass seeing the homeless population as monstrous as the beast preying on them. Notorious fun-haver Richard Dawkins once critiqued that X-Files using pseudo-scientific analysis to explain the show's phenomena is "insidious". While I think critiques like that are a bit silly considering X-Files makes it clear from the beginning that this show leans hard into sc...